Look around your place of work. What do you see at every significant location? People, departments, even décor changes everywhere but one common feature is visible wherever you turn. We are talking about the signages of course. Directional, identificational and informational signages are a staple of all workplaces and places that serve customers but this post is to reveal the deep thought and complexity hidden in this world of signages. First, though, you may be forgiven for taking them for granted, but have you thought about the key role signages play in a place of business? Indeed, signs perform some very key functions. 1.They improve productivity by enabling efficient navigation from place to place. People save valuable time in transit and more time doing what they must do. This is especially crucial for large establishments with multiple departments.
2.They play an important role in customer service. More often than not, a visitor to the premises comes with a specific purpose in mind. Helping them find their way to the right location and to accomplish that purpose with the minimum of inconvenience is a sure way to delight the customer.
3.They convey a professional and structured image to visitors and employees alike. Use of the appropriate colours and fonts has been found to be a crucial element in aligning the feel of the workplace with the visual branding of the company. Employees also feel a sense of pride in a professional and classy workplace.
4.Workplaces and places that serve a reasonable volume of visitors are also mandated by law to provide specific facilities. Different regulations demand different provisions and the appropriate signage is a key element in being compliant with these regulations. It’s clear that several factors must be considered when designing signages so they can perform these functions effectively. What are these factors?
Creativity factors
1.How do they incorporate your company’s branding and corporate identity? Communication and branding guidelines will usually be very specific so you may need to use specific colours, fonts, language selections, and logos. How easy is it to achieve that with the signage systems you choose?
2. Do the signage systems match your company’s image? This is not just about the text but the overall visual impact for eg. a design company may need extremely visually appealing signs, an ad agency may need signs that are more fun or light-hearted. How would you make that work?
Efficiency factors
3.Visibility and legibility are key. The signages must be designed in such a manner that they can be read from a reasonable distance. They must provide clear directions. They must be accurate and efficiently laid out to ensure minimum repetition.