Amidst all the upheaval regarding adequate and effective signage solutions, the signage strategies must be robust and workable for the buildings in question.
Hospitals, in particular, require a comprehensive signage system to provide accurate information with little staff involvement. But what actually motivates the need for a successful signage strategy? Why exactly do hospitals require such a strategy in the first place?
Let’s look at the bigger picture for this growing need.
Evolution of Patient Expectations and the Importance of Satisfaction
Hospitals are inclining towards a patient-first approach, as patients are integral to any hospital’s image and service attributes. Keeping this in mind, the strategies are altered per the changing expectations.
The consumer of the 21st century is looking for value-added services. Any hospital facility can bolster patient experience and brand building with proper facilities and easy-to-follow systems. And taking care of at least two Ps (personalized, participative) out of four clinical medicine cornerstones (predictive, preventive, personalized, participative) can change the patient experience, intake, and rotation of the provided facilities. This is where signages come into the picture.
Importance of Satisfaction in Patients Due to Signages
Patient satisfaction is a crucial metric for healthcare institutions, for it lays a solid foundation for the hospital’s reputation. Here’s how:
Better Retention Rate
With proper signage, hospitals can maintain the best interest of their patients and facilitate an overall positive experience. In fact, with the ideal combination of signage strategies to boost people’s confidence right away, hospitals can develop a devoted clientele.
Organic Marketing and Brand Building
Organic marketing is a timeless practice. Hospitals can run ads, but what the patients say or convey about the hospital matters more. They are the end consumers, and thus their testimonials are crucial for the driving interminable growth. Favourably, signs are a way to make people feel that the institute cares for them, offering a sense of comfort. It’s noteworthy that brand building is not a day’s work but takes years of effort. And signage can be one of the steps in this long-haul initiative.
What Are the Benefits of Proper Signage in Hospitals
Here are some additional sociological and psychological benefits of using proper signage systems, in addition to the obvious advantages and benefits that they offer.
A Medium for Self-care at a Personal Speed
People today are becoming increasingly self-reliant — precisely where improved navigation can help. With adequate signage, they can navigate the hospital premises on their own and find their way to check-ups, appointments, and procedures in the quickest manner possible. They don’t have to feel overwhelmed about the whole process, especially when they are in an unfamiliar environment. Adequate signage can provide the proper directional assistance, exactly what patients are looking for in hospitals today.
Reduced Anxiety
Patients and families may feel overwhelmed and anxious just thinking about being in a hospital. According to research, in an empty waiting room without an information board, patients feel restless and even want to leave the health centre without meeting the doctor. Simply using signage for better wayfinding can make the entire experience more inclusive and anxiety-free. A visitor’s perception of the hospital is further enhanced by signage integration with clear content. It helps them feel less anxious in the otherwise confusing labyrinth of hospital furnishings.
Enhanced Staff Experience & Improved Patient Satisfaction
A patient looks for sympathetic staff when they enter a care facility. The responsibility of directing the patients falls on the shoulders of the medical staff when there is inadequate signage. However, the staff is frequently overworked, which can aggravate both parties when questions about trivial matters come up, such as directions. Not only can signage help patients, but it can also make the jobs of medical staff members easier. This directly leads to better support and care being offered by the staff, enhancing overall patient satisfaction.
The Bottom Line
Any hospital signage strategy should place the utmost emphasis on the need for a personal touch and creating a welcoming atmosphere. Putting the patient at ease and eliminating anxiety can put the brand identity in the limelight.
If you are looking for a suitable signage theme for your healthcare institution, then get in touch with our team. With nearly three decades of expertise, we provide the best customizable signage options for hospitals. Talk to us today to know more.